Manage Zendesk customizations with confidence

Say goodbye to manually copying changes from Sandbox to Production and start automating your deployments

Trusted by leading innovators


Need more information from Zendesk’s audit log?

Searching your Salesforce metadata is as easy as Ctrl+F

Salto lets you track your change history within your Zendesk environment and ensures all your changes are documented for full traceability and control.

Environment Alignment

Worried your Sandbox refresh will overwrite your team’s pending changes?

With Salto you can compare environments and choose the components you’d like to align. You can automatically deploy changes from Sandbox to Production and vice-versa, so you won't have to manually migrate changes.

Textual Search

Not sure why your tickets are being misrouted?

Ctrl+F within your Zendesk configuration to find triggers, macros, and rules, and resolve the issue up to five times faster.

Salto Supports 7 Business Applications and counting

See all integrations

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